International Network of Jurists and Experts on Vulnerability
Welcome to the International Network of Jurists and Experts on Vulnerability (INJEV), a meeting space for jurists and experts on legal responses to situations of structural vulnerability.

Latest News
Presentation of the network and partners
New perspective
Beyond the vulnerability to which we are all susceptible, there are some people, groups, or situations in which there are factors that multiply the risk of suffering harm and, consequently, these people, groups and situations have what can be called structural vulnerability. While the reaction to the problems deriving from particular situations of vulnerability is typically rooted in law, the appreciation of structural vulnerability as being something deserving of a legal response is relatively recent and is presented as a new perspective from which to approach traditional institutions that are now more focused on their protective and empowering function.
Origin of the network
Based on the understanding of the perspective described above, the idea of the INJEV was born in October 2019 with the submission of the Research Project application to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, PID2019-105489RB-I00 Vulnerabilidad patrimonial y personal: retos jurídicos (Personal and property vulnerability: legal challenges). Approved in June 2020, the Network was publicly launched in December 2022 as a meeting place for jurists and experts on legal responses to situations of structural vulnerability.
Target audience
The network aims to facilitate study, understanding, and communication among those who work on specific legal reactions or responses to vulnerability. In this way, the network serves as a research tool for each of its members and acts as a channel for the transfer of results to the entire international scientific community and, as a result, to society as a whole. All network members are given the chance to disseminate information about new developments in the results of their research ? mainly in the form of publications ?, as well as information about other events and transfer channels in which they are participating. The members are also able to attend the biannual update meetings.

Structural vulnerability as an aspect on which to work and one that is deserving of legal responses.
Thematic areas

As vulnerability is a particularly wide field, the thematic areas on which the Network focuses are: structural vulnerability, consumer affairs, housing, digital vulnerability, children, disability, senior citizens, and immigration
For admission, send us a CV with your merits in one or more of the areas of the Network.
The Evaluation Committee will analyze the applications for admission received.
Once the application has been evaluated, you will receive a response email that, in the case of being accepted, will contain a link to your member profile.
New members
Those who have accredited experience in some of the mentioned thematic areas of vulnerability will be considered for admission as members. To be accepted as a member, please follow the instructions as given. Applications are evaluated by the Admissions Committee, which has external evaluators for this task.
To contact us directly, you can write us an email indicating the reason for your inquiry. We will contact you as soon as we have analyzed your request.
